Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I'm all for people trying to spread awareness and shit. People with diseases, animals that are abused, whatever. But when I'm scrolling through my facebook newsfeed in the morning starting off my day with a cup of coffee I really don't need to see pictures of pitbull puppies with chunks of flesh missing from their bodies and shit like that. That is just going above and beyond to me when it comes to spreading awareness. This is why I stopped watching the news, it's fucking depressing, and for someone like me, i'm not desensetisized to this shit. It truly fucking bothers me and I cannot go throughout the rest of my day without thinking about this shit. Just this morning I saw a picture of a kill shelter and literally a massive pile of dead healthy cats and just below it a picture of an infant baby with a MASSIVE abnormality growing on it's head. These two people, I'm not close friends to and also are constantly posting this kind of shit, I finally got around to deleting them. You wanna post this shit, fine, get a fucking blog, join a fucking cause, but I don't need to fucking see it everyday. I'm not saying this shit is right, I know it isn't and it needs to stop, but throwing it in my face isn't going to do anything but make me lose my breakfast, make me cry and ruin my day...

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