Wednesday, March 6, 2013

So I went back to work on Monday. I decided to adopt the I don't give a fuck attitude everyone else has, I care way too much about my job and it's given me nothing but anguish and a bad back. So far it's really working out for me. Laughing at the issues at CVS is really more effective then taking them to heart. Like, when my pharmacist heard from my lead tech that she had called the help desk about a fax machine issue but apparently it wasn't good enough so he spent two hours calling the help desk and our district manager himself and refused to check a single prescription in all that time. So when he was checking 8am scripts at 1pm, I stood behind the 4pm baskets I was counting and chuckled to myself because I was caught up, it was his own doing, I was right on track. Or, when the kid with the dopey eyes who works two jobs and goes to school was on the phone for 40 minutes and there was just three of us on and the work was just falling over us, I rang out my customers with a smile and just kept saying to myself, "Well, I'm out at two o'clock today, I don't have to clean up this mess." because you know what, that's what everyone else does...

At 2 o'clock, I told the pharmacist see ya later and he had this desperation in his eyes, this begging for me to stay later because out of stocks weren't scanned and no one else was coming in for another hour and he had four huge stacks of unchecked, red baskets but he didn't dare ask, he just turned to the lead tech to tell her all the things they should have been doing all morning, the things I could have told him, the things that he should have known because he's been in the business for over 20 years...but he gets preoccupied with stupid shit...and I laughed and laughed as I grabbed my things and went home and made a thanksgiving day sandwich and had a nice relaxing evening. I'm sick of giving a shit, caring if shit gets done, following people around to see if they are doing the job right because you know what, I don't get paid enough for this shit and it's not my job. Mark just told me Costco is going to start their employees at $11.50 an hour. To start. that's more than I make now and I've been at my job for over 5 years, and the amount I had to learn, the stress and the hours I have to work, no, that's not worth it. So that's enough, you get what you give, so unless CVS wants to pay me what I really deserve, this is what they get, no more going above and beyond, staying late, coming in early, working two or three stations at once or pulling my hair out because I'm so overwhelmed...I'm not letting this job or these people get me down. I'm not saying I'm going to do a bad job, no, I'll do that same great job I always do, but I'm doing MY job, but not Sara, Angie, Kyle and everyone elses on top of it...

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